Thursday, September 25, 2008

About Xanti/Parenting

Xanti is now four month's...CRAZY!!! I can't believe it, time really does fly. Xanti is a happy little baby that is filling our house with many smiles with dimples. She is getting cuter by the day, she gu's and ga's ALOT now, she grabs everything and anything "watch your earings around her" I love her so much! When she hears my voice she starts looking for me. Xanti is starting to interact more with her sister, they play this silly game where Nai'a comes running up to her and says silly things that I can't even understand, anyway it makes Xanti laugh allot. She giggles and is ticklish. She doesn't sleep very good anymore, I have to admit I really truly long for a good night sleep I don't think I remember what sleeping eight hours without interruptions feels like. We've given up eating out, between Xanti wanting to eat or being poopy right when they bring my food and Nai'a not being able to sit still and trying to make conversation with the table next to, across from or behind us, eating out has just become impossible.

Now, would I trade my two beautiful girls for a good nights sleep and eating out at a restaurant? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I love my girls, they make me a better person. I love having them both sit on my lap, Nai'a's little arms wrapped around my neck and Xanti will occasionally look up at me, her eyes sparkle with happiness, it's like she is saying thank you mom, I love you every time she looks up at me.

Raising children is not an easy task, they don't come with a manual so we have to rely on good advice from other parents, our own judgment, our prayers for help from the all mighty to help, good books and just learning from our mistakes.

Sometimes we think that we are so patient but really it is them that are patient with us, they've been put in our inexperienced hands hoping we love them, teach them and help them back to our heavenly father safely. It's a hard task possibly the hardest, but how rewarding is the job of a loving parent, the endless hugs and kisses, sometimes for no particular reason, those playful moments that make us forget our problems and fears. I would never trade my girls for anything , I gain so much from being a mother to them. I am so thankful for this opportunity that the lord has given me to raise such beautiful special spirits. I'm learning each day and sometime struggle to live up to the part but, each day I am rewarded with something you can't find in the world of man, something that can't be bought, and that is the love of a child, a love so real and so true that you can feel it without a single word having to be said and a single action having to be made. Thank you Nai'a and xanti. I love you.

Here are some pictures of cute little Xanti


Jennifer said...

Oh your girls are sooo sweet! I always have said the only thing better than becoming a parent is becoming a parent again and seeing your kids play together. Remember how precious these moments are in 13 years when they are fighting over clothes and bathroom time!

Megan said...

She is so cute! I agree. Being a parent is so great!