Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What's Nai'a up to?

Nai'a has been enjoying mami and papi taking her to all the playgrounds and the spoiling of abuelo y abuela. They really do spoil her ,I don't think they ever tell her NO. Hey what are grandparents for? She can be quit a little brat at times but over all she is a great loving smart "very smart" almost three year old. WOW!!! I can't believe she is almost three I feel as if yesterday she was gooing and gaaing in my arms. all of a sudden she is dancing around ( she truly has a love and Passion for dancing) She loves lip stick, perfume, new shoes, boots in particular, modeling new clothes, blush, gum, lotion, sanitizer and washing her hands. We have potty training pretty much mastered except for nights. (so if you have any tips please share.) she really does love her baby sister even though she smothers her at times and I am constantly telling her to be gentle but when I put Xanti down for a nap and Nai'a doesn't see her she asks and looks for her, she says she is sorry for what ever bad thing she does to her and then gives her kisses. I love it when she plays with Xanti's feet because Xanti loves it and laughs so cute. I can't wait to see them really play. I love Nai'a so very much and sometimes I find myself looking at her and thinking... "I can't believe she is really mine" I feel so blessed to have her and watching her grow up seems so... I don't even have the words to express what I feel. I am enjoying her company so much more now. the other day we baked cookies together and she also helped me wash the dishes another day. I remember dreaming of this moment, back then I thought it would never come and now today it's here and I almost feel as if it got here to fast I enjoy it but it also means she is growing and becoming more of an individual. I don't know how I feel about her doing more of her own thing. She is so beautiful, she loves people, she says hi,bye and thank you to everyone she says her prayers all on her own and that makes me proud. I love you Nai'a and Xanti

Here are some pictures of My beautiful Nai'a

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